Advancing Constitutional Literacy
We develop and disseminate effective constitutional literacy projects, targeted particularly at children (0-18) and youth (18 -35).
According to StatsSA’s latest demographic survey in 2022, there are approximately 60 million people in South Africa, and almost two-thirds of the population is under the age of 35. We recognise that this young generation does not have the same sentimental attachment, knowledge, and understanding of the Constitution and its making as do older generations. Therefore, advancing constitutional education has never been so timely.
+ ECD handbook: “The Constitution and Me” (ages 4-8)
+ CAPS-aligned Life Orientation Curriculum: “We The People” (Grade 7 – 12)
+ Train-the-Trainer programme: “A People’s Constitution” (Youth, public benefit organisations and NEETS)
+ The 490: An Oral History project (The general public)
+ The Worker’s Timeline: The Constitution and the right to strike (Trade unions, unorganised labour and the working class)